Caring for the Caregiver

Do you know a caregiver – a person who pours themselves into the wellbeing of another in a way that invites and demands TLC above and beyond?

Do you see their commitment? Their exhaustion? Their love and resolve? Is that person you?

I have been caregiving for many years. My most recent round is going on 7 years and I have become aware of the toll it is taking. 24 / 7 / 365 is intense. It adds layers to life that is often already complex.

  • A layer of grief – an alteration of the life you had always imagined.
  • A layer of increased workload – physically, emotionally, spiritually, relationally.
  • A layer of ache. Exhaustion. Guilt. But also layers of joy. Purpose. Connection and provision.

To examine and explore these layers, I am setting up an Ebenezer. 

An Ebenezer is a large rock that reminds us, “thus far the Lord has helped us.” It comes from 1 Samuel 7:12. The whole story is worth the read.

God’s provision through this caregiving season has been miraculous, but the road is steep and the pace relentless.

This Ebenezer is inviting me to sit – to find a resting place in its shade and do a little inventory. I am leaning in hard … taking a look at my heart and my hope.

I need to confess, I live what I teach. Run Hard. Rest Well. is encoded into my DNA. We highlight God’s extraordinary bucket-filling plan found in the power of Sabbath – Sleep – Stillness – Solitude. We all these “The 4 S’s.” I am still alive by the grace of God and this message of help and hope.

We teach “The 4 S’s” – but there is a fifth S.


Sometimes I call it Radical Sabbatical. Other times I think of it as Industrial Strength Rest. 

No matter what it is called, I need it.

I need this now. 

The journey of “Industrial Strength Rest” has begun.

To explore simple strategies of HOW, read more here.

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