Are you ready to make a difference?
COVID-19 is giving us –
- The gift of time
- The opportunity to go
- Because of this RHRW is mobilizing to support mission-minded people to “Rest Well,” “GO make a difference,” and equip others to do the same. More to come!
Step one on this expedition – Pray
Dive into 2 Chronicles 20:1-22a
Dive. Linger. Leave changed. Empowered.
These words are alive, my friend, and they position us for joy on this journey that can only be from God and that must begin on our knees—together.
Step two on this expedition – Preventative Care.
Simple List.
Big Impact. Consider passing it along.
Note: These are suggestions for fighting viruses in general. None of these have been specifically tested on COVID-19, but are recommended as preventative care.
- Take Vitamin D
42% of Americans are Vitamin D deficient. Vitamin D fortifies our own immune system. It is known to help upper respiratory infections. Consider upping your vitamin D this spring. Note: As a fat-soluble vitamin, take with food that contains fat.
Click here to learn more about Vitamin D. - Keep Nasal Passages Moist. There are two ways to do this.
1. Run a humidifier (Read Science Daily’s Flu Virus’ Best Friend: Low Humidity and Consumer Reports’ Should you use a Humidifier to Prevent Flu?)
2. Use saline mists, a water based moisturizer, or a small dab of Vaseline. - Sleep – ! As out-of-the-house commitments diminish, shoot for 8-hours of sleep each night. It is a primary tactic to boost your immune system.
- Zinc Lozenges If you do start feeling a scratchy throat, start sucking on zinc lozenges as soon you can.
Onward – !
More to come.
The Front Line Fight is before us.
We are battle ready and the Lord leads the way.
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