Courage for 2022

By Brenda Jank

This past week, someone “double-dog” dared me. It made me laugh out loud and brought back childhood memories.

Can I double-dog dare you as we approach the threshold of a New Year? Like last year, Covid-19 will nip at our heels and take a chunk out of our hearts. Crisis will rear its ugly head. Nagging discontentment may throw us off center at inopportune times. But as God’s people, this is not the end of the story. This is the fuel for some of His best work – if we are well attuned – to all He wants to do in us and through us.

3 Tools that will equip us to take the offense in 2022.

  • The Courage to be Quiet
  • The Courage to ask Questions
  • The Courage to Connect

The Courage to be Quiet

Take 5. Take 10. Take time for a Deep Quiet – a turning of our entire attention to God – heart, soul, mind, strength, and will.

Return to your rest, my soul, for the Lord has been good to you.   Psalm 116:7

In this place of quiet and deep knowing, we disengage from auto-pilot and settle into a space where our hearts are better suited to find in Him what we most need.
Be still and know.

The Courage to ask Questions

Good questions. Hard questions. Questions that give us pause and make us squirm. 

  • Ask God, “What am I missing?”
  • Ask yourself. “Am I ready?” To heal. Make a difference. Disrupt the status quo. Break the chains that bind me. Learn to love and hope again.
  • Ask others good questions. Move into overdrive. Talk to strangers. Ask cashiers how their day is going. Look into their eyes and listen. Call friends. Ask someone you love, “When was the last time I told you how much you mean to me?”

The Courage to Connect

Get out of your comfort zone. Be the change. Lead the charge. 

The world is dying of loneliness.

Don’t let a week go by, ever, that you are not setting the stage for the meaningful connection with someone on the fringe. We know them. We see them. We typically forget them. This mission: authentic, genuine love. It can’t be a duty, or a check list.  Let love lead the way. 

If you know your track record and fear a dragging of your feet, ask God to reveal the WHY of your resistance. Is it fear? Busyness? Unfamiliar territory? Complacency? Forgetfulness? Let Him have His way with your heart. As God’s beloved, we are charged and empowered to go. May this honor be our greatest New Year joy.

New Year. Same God.

… “O man greatly loved, fear not, peace be with you; be strong and of good courage.” And as he spoke to me, I was strengthened … Daniel 10:19

Jesus said, “Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.” Matthew 14:27

First time here?

10 thoughts on “Courage for 2022”

  1. Thank you Brenda for always returning my focus back to Jesus! His way, His plans, His purposes, His love!
    May your heart be filled with blessings and grace and peace! You have given the Body of Christ riches and blessings upon blessings with the Spirits wisdom and direction and guidance.
    Well done God’s faithful servant.
    You are loved and appreciated!
    May His peace reign in Your heart ❤️

    • Mary – Thank you so much. Your words bless and encourage me.
      The last 2 years have been a blur.
      Major decisions are being made for 2022.
      Seeking the Lord on our knees.
      Faithful is the word. We want to be faithful.


      • I’m so grateful for my parents’ example of loving others. My daughter used to roll her eyes when I would chatter to sales clerks, but now I stand back and watch her smile, laugh and chatter in the same way. Thank you, Jesus!
        Your challenge to pursue and bless others in 2022 is accepted!

        • Mary – YOU just made my day!
          Oh the love and kindness we can share.
          It is simple and joy giving.
          I love learning cashiers’ names at places I frequent. It is such a door opener to simple greet someone by name.
          God used this simple gesture to start a relationship and build trust. When the time was right, I asked Trisha if we could enjoy breakfast or lunch together at some point. She said yes.
          That meal turned into Holy Ground as life stories were shared.
          Since it was right before Christmas, and felt like a good call, we invited Trisha and and her daughter to join us for a Christmas Eve service.
          Trisha, who had fallen away from Jesus for a long time, found herself dancing once again with Jesus that night as the angels sang.
          Best Christmas of my entire life!
          And it all began with, “Hey – my name is Brenda, what is yours?”

  2. Brenda, I am not sure how this unread email popped up today, but it hit the spot!
    Also, I would like to come to the camp for a few hours of QUIET RETREAT.
    Is there a phone number I am supposed to call to check on available times?
    And I really want to sit down to talk about any possible needs you guys have that I might be able to fill. We “talked” this summer, but you were at a super busy point and not able to schedule something right then. I am praying that all is well with you and your beautiful fam! 419-786-9511.


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