In the midst of …
- untold financial loss and instability
- the grief of altered plans
- fear of the unknown and the stress of the known
- and the suffering of those who get sick
… there is one gift that is unfolding.
The gift of time.
Like me, your calendar is rapidly clearing and white space is emerging.
What will we do with this unexpected gift?
It must not be wasted on worry and whining.
After meeting Jesus at the cross to lay down our burdens, allow the Serenity Prayer* to make a home in your heart, and then whisper a prayer you may never have prayed.
Jesus to teach me how to rest.
Run Hard. Rest Well. wants to equip God’s people to mine this gift of white space for all it’s worth and equip you to help others to navigate this time with bucket-filling experiences.
To start – are your Sunday morning plans changing? Visit the short, sweet, and meaty article called Sabbath Questions for the Soul. It might jump start a Day of Rest that holds more hours than you are used to enjoying.
There is much to learn when it comes to the hard and holy work of resting well. Do you want to explore? Check out Restoring Margin – Embracing Life.
* God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Amen.
Reinhold Niebuhr
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