
A Sabbath Prayer

My Bible bulges with mementos—reminders of God drawing near. Most handy of these love letters, devotions, bookmarks and scribbles is a well-worn, folded piece of paper titled, “A Sabbath Prayer.” Written years ago, it prepares my heart …

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Prescription for Rest in the 21st Century

Become a storyteller. Our hurried existence leaves little room for reflection. The biblical command “to remember” anchors our faith to the handiwork of God’s provision, protection, and Presence. Pause. Reflect. Remember. Share. God uses our stories to …

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Memory Lane

Wow!  With school bells ringing and churches moving into high gear, the end of summer is a time of new beginnings. The Run Hard. Rest Well. team agrees. Having just completed our 3rd strategic planning meeting (no small …

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On Callings & Commitments

Each season of our life is made up of a unique blend of commitments and calling. Commitments Commitments are the non-negotiable obligations in our life. Some bring great joy, like caring for a long awaited newborn. Some …

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You have been commissioned to participate in the Great Commission. So have I. It’s the commission (“…go and make disciples of all nations…” Matthew 28:19) we are all aware of it, but few take it seriously. Our fruit is …

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240 people enter this world every minute. 120 people die every minute. 80 people die without knowing Jesus Christ.* By the time you finish reading this blog, 230 people will have died. This statistic makes me swallow …

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Plan B

We have been taking a look back at some of our early, foundational posts because we believe in the timeless wisdom.  I am on retreat today. It is a defensive retreat based on a breaking heart, diminishing …

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A Few Things I’ve Learned

Dacha is one of my favorite words. It’s Russian and I was introduced to it in the town of Istra, Russia in January 2012 while speaking on the topics of rest and retreat at a conference for …

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“Retreat!” It’s a battle cry of the beloved. It’s strategic. It is revolutionary. My first personal retreat was the open gate that welcomed my heart back home to rest.[tweetthis remove_twitter_handles=”true”]My first personal retreat was the open gate …

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Predictable Prayer

Do you love a little person – or a bunch of little people between the ages of 1 and 18? (They don’t even have to live under your roof.) This post is for you. Think Because that’s …

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