Become a storyteller. Our hurried existence leaves little room for reflection. The biblical command “to remember” anchors our faith to the handiwork of God’s provision, protection, and Presence. Pause. Reflect. Remember. Share. God uses our stories to give us and others wings to soar to new heights.
Sleep. Prioritize it. Protect it. Feel no guilt.
Enjoy the people you love. Make sure this happens every day.
Consider the practice of stillness. Take five and go outside. Close your eyes. Listen. Feel the chill or the warmth or the breeze on your face. Breathe deeply. Quiet your racing thoughts with a song of praise or by slowly repeating a favorite verse from God’s Word. Be still and know that He is God.
Do what delights you. Make a plan. Allow no excuses.
The key to rest in the 21st century?
Do it. Do something. Pick one thing from this list and do it. Today! I mean it. First, before you do, turn off your phone. Rest happens best when peace is allowed to rein free of intrusion and distraction. It really does.
Your turn! Join the conversation over on Facebook and let us know – what will you be working on this week?
First time here? Welcome! We are a group that gathers around the theme, “There has to be a better way.” We’re finding it in the 4-word mission statement, “Run hard. Rest well.”
- It’s a journey into the heart of God. It comes our way through an on-going exploration of four biblical rhythms that revive, replenish and restore: Sabbath Keeping, Sleep (and other simple stress-reducers), Stillness—personal retreat, and Solitude—personal retreat.
- It’s an expedition that challenges us at every turn. It convicts us in deep, tender places. It alters our priorities and plans. It’s not for the faint of heart.
- It’s an adventure at its best – as we learn to run the race, our race, God’s race in a power not our own.
- First time here? Where to begin…
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