
A Sabbath Prayer

For more resources on Rest, Rhythm, and the Work of God visit www.runhardrestwell.orgIf you would like a print copy, request one here.

First Things First

My friends, dive into 2 Chronicles 20:1-22a. (Chapter 20, not chapter 10) Onward – !

COVID-19 Preventative Care

Are you ready to make a difference? COVID-19 is giving us – The gift of time The opportunity to go Because of this RHRW is mobilizing to support mission-minded people to “Rest Well,” “GO make a difference,” …

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Coronavirus and the Gift of Time

In the midst of … untold financial loss and instability the grief of altered plans fear of the unknown and the stress of the known and the suffering of those who get sick … there is one …

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COVID-19 – Let’s Make a Difference

An unprecedented opportunity is knocking on our door.  As believers in Christ, instead of looking in and allowing fear to reign and rule as COVID-19 spreads, how can we look up, look out, and ask the Lord …

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Toy, Tool, or Trap

When it comes to our phones, there are real life conversations we need to be having and questions we need to be asking. More is caught than taught. Rise up and dig in. Be a catalyst of …

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Love. It Makes A Difference

Originally published in February 2016, Brenda’s words have meaning for us this day! Love, some say, is spelled t-i-m-e. I think it sometimes is. I came across a story I knew I wanted to share in February, …

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