Amy Carmichael, a missionary to India who was born in 1867 and died in 1951, has insights for us today.
God won’t waste our time.
He won’t waste our talents.
He won’t waste our pain.
Covid-19 is revealing an opportunity for God to take us to higher ground, to see Him more clearly, and gain a perspective that is truly out of this world and not of this world. Three questions open the door.
- What gifts have emerged?
- What sin has it exposed?
- What hunger has it unveiled?
Whether your state or country is still sheltering in, or yours is opening up, we have a long, long, way to go. Hit pause. Answer these questions. Meet with Jesus face to face. Exodus 33:11
My Journey – peek below if time allows
What gifts have emerged for me?
- My kids are learning to cook!
- With reduced expenses and added funds, we are funneling “God’s gifts” to those with critical needs.
- Miracles! With six of us under one roof 24/7, we are all still alive with no blood shed (Amen!) and we are discovering that we actually like each other … most of the time.
- Innovation! At work. At home. Explosive!
- Closet cleaning. Scary at times, but it feels good.
- Rethinking “church.” Church is not a building or an activity. Church is our identity and commission – it is who I am (as a child of God in the family of God) and what I do with this High Calling.
What sin has it exposed in me?
- It doesn’t take much to move me into emotional eating. Oh Lord, show me a better way.
- If I am utterly honest with you, my natural tendency can be to “take charge,” enable, and declare, “my way or the highway.” It rose up ugly and early in our sheltering in, but God has blessed me with a crew who knows me, loves me, and calls me out.
What hunger has it unveiled in me?
I have more questions than answers. Am I hungering for the latest news? For relief? For security? What do I want? What does God want? What do I desire? Is it God – and a relationship with Him that breaks me out of my comfort zone and tears through my complacency? Amy’s words hang on a card by my kitchen sink reminding me to pray. “Lord set a course for revival in my soul. “
This pandemic is too precious to waste. Lord, have your way with my heart.
Brenda Jank is a thought leader in the arena of Restorative Wellness. Find additional resources and support for yourself and those you love, lead and serve at
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