When the Rooster Crows

By Brenda Jank

Originally published in June 2016, Brenda’s words have meaning for us this day!

Engaged in a deep conversation with an old friend, I asked, “who have you disappointed in your life?”

“Who haven’t I disappointed?! My parents. My wife. My kids. My friends. I’ve even managed to disappoint the dog. And me? I disappointment myself all the time. I never seem to measure up.”

And the rooster crowed.

What triggers the reality check in your heart when someone you love is (justly) hurt or disappointed in something you’ve said, done or neglected?

It’s often their nonverbals. The sigh. The stance. The tone of their voice. The look in their eye.

For Peter, it was Jesus’ eyes.

About an hour later another asserted, “Certainly this fellow was with him (Jesus), for he is a Galilean.” Peter replied, “Man, I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Just as he was speaking, the rooster crowed. The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter . . . And he went outside and wept bitterly.  Luke 22:59-62 NIV

What were those three days like for Peter? What are those moments like for you? The word brutal comes to mind. Our sin separates us from those we love. The division can be fierce, especially when disappointment is frequent, causing distance and resistance.

Mary Magdalene was one of the first to the tomb that Sunday morning. Seeing the dislodged stone, she ran back to find Peter and John. In a flash, the two were off. John’s youthfulness quickly put him in the lead, leaving Peter, I imagine, winded and lagging behind. Once there, John carefully peered into the tomb, taking in the sight. Not Peter. Boom. Straight into the tomb he went. He knew where he needed to be. (John 20:1-6)

For Peter, there was no holding back. The veil had been torn. The stone rolled away. Every ounce of him ached to be face-to-face with his Friend, his Lord, his Savior.

If your soul aches with the knowledge of falling short with God, a dear friend or yourself … there is a place you can run.

The empty tomb. Run! Run hard.

Meet the mender of our broken promises.

And from there? The Holy Spirit will direct us to the ‘heart work’ we need to do to bring hope and healing to us all.

First time here?

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