Week 8: Sabbath Nuts and Bolts #2

Sabbath Rest in the 21st century begins with honoring the Commandment and its Creator (see Week 8 – #1), but there are two additional areas to explore.

#3 Honor Yourself

Are you familiar with activities that are delightful and restorative? It’s a powerful combination. Most of us know what we enjoy, but sometimes those activities aren’t necessarily restorative. Experiment. Try out some activities that are both enjoyable and restorative. Not sure where to begin?

Ask yourself, “What do I need? or “What does my family need?” or “Where am I running on the fumes of an empty tank?”

After living through this past week, does one need rise above the others? Are you feeling physically depleted? Spiritually dry? Emotionally empty? Relationally weary or wanting? Don’t gloss over this list. Ask yourself these questions. It’s an important place to begin.

Then prioritize those needs as much as possible. Some of us are facing overwhelming challenges that have us ‘in-over-our-heads.” Sabbath Keeping during these intense seasons of life must be sculpted by a level of immense creativity and commitment. It gives the word challenging new meaning, but it is possible. (Stay tuned. Infusing quiet into chaos is a topic near and dear to my heart.)

Top Picks to consider

  • Sleep. Prioritize it. Enjoy it. Feel no guilt.
  • Do what delights you. Find pleasure in simple things.
  • Unplug.
  • Tag team. If you have small children, 2 hour blocks work great.
  • Don’t cook. I don’t, but please, please do if it’s a source of joy and delight.
  • Get outside. Try to make this a priority.
  • FFF – “forced” family fun may not work. It never did for us, but a simple tradition did. When our kids were little, we roasted mini-marshmallows with toothpicks over candles. We still do!
  • Enjoy the people you love. Laugh out loud.
  • Enjoy the presence of God. On a walk, in a closet, through your worship, with a friend, on your knees, by a stream, in the Word.

Allow your heart free reign to dream. Then set a course.

#4 Honor Others

We are a generation with no model, method nor mentors in the arena of Sabbath Rest. It’s foreign territory—mysterious and unexplored. Be a pioneer. Take the path less traveled. Place a priority and create an atmosphere in your home where Sabbath Rest is welcomed and honored as a day of devotion and delight.

Others will take note.

Your weekly commitment a rhythm of work and rest might be what God uses to ignite a hunger in others for this rhythm made in heaven.

Our job? Run hard. Break a sweat. Stay focused. Give it all you’ve got, but set apart some time this week to put your feet up, let out a deep sigh and rest.

Rest well.





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Run hard. Rest well. launched in March 2013. We’d like to invite you to join this weekly blog. The information to do so is located on the right hand side of this page. If you subscribe, each week’s post will be sent to you through the email account you provide. Please be assured that your email address will never be passed along to anyone else. I’d like to encourage you to read the first 8 weeks of material – as time allows. No rush. Start with Week 1. Each post is numbered and lays important foundational insights into the life-giving rhythm Run hard. Rest well.

God’s richest blessings.



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2 thoughts on “Week 8: Sabbath Nuts and Bolts #2”

  1. Enjoy the option of enjoying the presence of God in a closet …traveling so much in the month of May, I have already rested on a plane and felt His presence calming me in my travels. Thanks for the great blog!!! 🙂

    • Lisa,

      Ahh! You’re making my day. You go, girlfriend.
      I’ve heard deer stands and cars zipping 70 mph down the interstate —- are places where people meet with God.
      There is no limit.
      Rest well on all your May travels!


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