Transformation Requires Tools

By Brenda Jank

Transformation requires a number of things.

  1. It requires transparency, a willingness to admit

Something is not right. And…
 …I want something more.

2. It requires new tools to build a better tomorrow.

What tools do you have in your toolbox to transform your 24/7 existence with a culture of work, rest, and rhythm that is vibrant and sustainable?

Let’s take a peek at sabbath keeping. Sabbath, at its best, is about relationship – our relationship with God and our relationships with those we love.

When embracing a sabbath that restores and refreshes, consider adding these questions to your tool box. They cost nothing, but when taken seriously, can put a dent into our overload and exhaustion.

  1. Where and with whom do you need to invest and infuse your relationship with playfulness* and fun? What would that look like? When was the last time you laughed long and hard with those you love?
  2. God pursued you this week. He pursued you with his love. He pursued you with truth. Were you aware? Where did these good gifts land? (For clarity, answer these questions in light of the Parable of the Sower.) Where did God’s love and truth land on your heart this week?
    • On hard ground.
    • On rocky terrain.
    • In shallow soil riddled with weeds.
    • Or did it find a safe landing-place in an open, receptive heart?
    • It’s never too late. Receive each gift! Re-plant where necessary!

If we take time this week to answer and act on these questions, we might just change the course of history.

* Playfulness enhances healing and connection as illustrated by Cohen in Playful Parenting (2001), by Saltzman in Playfulness (2013) and discussed at length in We’re No Fun Anymore: Helping Couples Cultivate Joyful Marriages Through the Power of Play by Schwartz & Braff (2012).

Brenda Jank and the Run Hard. Rest Well team are thought leaders in the arena of Restorative Wellness. Find additional resources at Contact us at:

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