
Shaking Things Up

By Joel Hoffschneider If your employer comes into the office and announces…‘We are going to shake things up, emergency meeting at 11:30 …’ it’s probably scary.  If the doctor tells you that the medicine you have been …

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Fine Line

“Just because I can, doesn’t mean I should.” – Author Unknown There is a fine line between what I can do and what I should do. This is especially true when I am operating in the “red …

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Have a Mary Christmas

What kind of Christmas are you going to have? My heart is set on having a “Mary” Christmas this year. I don’t say this lightly. It will require an attention to the Spirit that will take me …

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Soul Repair Begins in the Hands of God

Soul repair begins in the hands of God. Two characters from the Mandarin language reminded me of this truth, thanks to a devotion book I am enjoying with two of my sons right now, Noah and Joshua. …

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