
On Sabbath in the 21st Century

Sabbath rest in the 21st century begins with honoring the commandment and its Creator. We looked at this in a previous post, but there are two additional areas to explore. #3 Honor Yourself Are you familiar with …

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What Does Sabbath Rest Look Like?

What does Sabbath rest look like in the 21st century? It has a lot to do with honor. Four things come to mind. Two today. Two next week. #1 Honor the Sabbath If God says I can …

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On Keeping the Sabbath

The work of surrender is mine . . . the work of transformation is His. No doubt about it. We find this promise of God’s workmanship in our lives in Ezekiel 36. I will give you a …

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Catch Your Breath

Catch Your Breath – A Rest That WorksTuesday, October 6 It has been a time of innovation, heartache, and overload for leaders, teams and individuals. We have been pouring our best into people, projects, and new programs …

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What Must Follow Conviction?

Confession.When it comes to embracing the rhythm and rest of Sabbath keeping, conviction is likely the first step, but the next step is always confession. It’s where the rubber hits the road. Confession means agreeing with God. …

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Remember the Sabbath

God says, “Remember the Sabbath.I forget.I forget a lot.Even though this commandment gets little attention, it’s an easy one to “keep” by most standards. You go church and 60 minutes later the duty is done, Sabbath is …

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Where do You Default?

Stress. I hate that word. It rises up and slaps me in the face. Hard. It reminds me that I am not in control. I long to face life with grace, grit and determination. Unhindered. Free. But …

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You’re Invited!

Do you need a refresher on rest?Do you know someone who needs to be introduced to the life giving message of Restorative Wellness?  A Rest That Works – For Women A FREE Live Webinar with Brenda JankWednesday, …

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Are You Guilt-Driven or Spirit-Led?

Why Rest?In the last months of her life, I met a woman named Kathryn, wife and mother of two lovely young girls. Kathryn was fighting colon cancer. We were both newcomers to a Sunday morning Bible study. …

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That Which Refreshes

Roadblocks Buried in the collective mindset of Western culture and deep within our own hearts is the notion that rest is not an activity for the movers and shakers of this world. Rest is not for the …

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