
The Price Tag of Rest

There is a price to be paid for our chronic exhaustion. For some people it’s apparent in the here and now: fleeting joy, fragmented relationships. Sometimes it comes and goes: bouts of sleepless nights, depression, illness. Some …

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Covid-19 Hit Hard. Are You Restless and Weary?

by Brenda Jank Collectively and personally, Covid-19 is draining our buckets at a rate few are equipped to replenish.More than once God reminds us that his “arm is not too short” – that he is able. My …

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Sh’mittah and the 4th of July

Sh’mittah is the Hebrew word for Sabbatical Year, a sabbath to the Lord. God ordained, it was to be honored every seventh year. It shows up in four of the five books of the Torah, plus Jeremiah …

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Grieving Well

As an eternal optimist, I do not spend much time recognizing, much less feeling the emotions that set the stage for grief work, yet I highly value the refining and restorative power of grieving well. I have …

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Battle Ready

Only one thing makes us battle ready—a soul at rest. In 2013, my 19-year-old son entered Hospice Care, my 15-year-old son spent seven weeks in the hospital after a benign tumor was removed from his spinal cord, …

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Caring for the Caregiver

Do you know a caregiver – a person who pours themselves into the wellbeing of another in a way that invites and demands TLC above and beyond? Do you see their commitment? Their exhaustion? Their love and …

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