
All in the Family

By Joel Hoffschneider The ancient season that we know as Epiphany was awash with the frantic activity of Wisemen, gifts, dedication, and an unexpected move to Egypt. Holding on bravely in this storm of activity was Mary. …

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Got Grief?

By Joel Hoffschneider Grief is the loss of something valued.  It does not matter what it is. If it had value to you and you are suddenly without it, grief will ensue. You will go from emotional …

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Protective Custody

By Brenda Jank Speaking to Joseph and Mary in the Temple courts, Simeon ended by looking at Mary and announcing “And a sword will pierce your own soul, too.” Luke 2:35 Double whammy. In 9 words, Simeon makes it …

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Easter Begins with Tears in Jesus’ Eyes

Luke 19 reminds us that as Jesus approached Jerusalem the week before he died, he wept. “If you, even you, had known on this day what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes …

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