
When Quiet Beckons

Allow the invitation below to shape the pace and direction of what lies before you today. The following excerpt is taken from Jesus Calling, by Sarah Young. Emphasis is mine. From July 17, Sarah writes, Come away …

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May Retreats

“Run Hard. Rest Well.” is the new war cry of those on the cutting edge of Kingdom advance. Run Hard. Rest Well. makes rest simple and strategic because it is sacred and fuels God’s best work in …

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Do It!

The Art of “Yes” – The Power of “No”

As people of purpose, our passions run high, yet the daily whirlwind is real – and often daunting. It can suck us in and sit us out. Demands and opportunities surface, emerge, and pile up, whittling away …

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Joy and Refreshment in the Desert

En Gedi is a remarkable oasis in Israel. It is a place rich with spiritual significance. David hid from Saul there, experiencing intimacy with the Lord as he waited for the promise of his anointing to be fulfilled.  An …

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David’s #1 Tool: A Pen

David’s #1 tool was not his sling shot. It was his pen. 74 of the 150 Psalms were written by David. I think those Psalms, inspired by God, might have come from David’s prayer journals. Known as …

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BEST Christmas Ever

Do you want to enjoy THE best Christmas ever – no matter your exhaustion, your bank account, your panic? Ask yourself these three questions and write down the answers. List 3 Christmas things that give you great …

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The Unopened Gifts of Christmas

It is a rare thing for a wrapped Christmas gift to remain unopened for very long. Yet, Christmas after Christmas, untold gifts from Heaven remain unclaimed and unopened. Would you like to claim your Christmas treasure this …

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A Sabbath Prayer

My Bible bulges with mementos—reminders of God drawing near. Most handy of these love letters, devotions, bookmarks and scribbles is a well-worn, folded piece of paper titled, “A Sabbath Prayer.” Written years ago, it prepares my heart …

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