Holy Spirit

The Most Unstable Stable

By Joel Hoffschneider “But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been …

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Got Grief?

By Joel Hoffschneider Grief is the loss of something valued.  It does not matter what it is. If it had value to you and you are suddenly without it, grief will ensue. You will go from emotional …

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Sing a New Song

By Joel Hoffschneider “But now I am coming to you, and these things I speak in the world, that they may have my joy fulfilled in themselves.” – John 17:13 Driving somewhere, thinking of nothing in particular, …

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The Power of Three

I once heard the shamrock leaf used to explain the Trinity to a group of children. Three leaves.Three entities.God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Children aren’t the only ones who need some sort of symbol to better understand …

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Acts 1:8 – Do you know it to be true?

Made in the image of God, we “feel,” “think,” and “act.” All three are critical to life and Kingdom work. Depending on personality and influences, we tend to have a bias toward one of these three, although …

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One Million Miracles

Don’t settle for survival. Pray for revival. Let it begin with you and me. The Holy Spirit leads the way. Brother Luke reminds us in chapter 11:9-13 that when it comes to the Holy Spirit “… everyone …

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Catch Your Breath

Truth for the Trenches For parents of kids who need more and give more than the world will ever know. Note: This article was written in 2002, but republished many times. As the Covid-19 crisis rages, I …

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The Holy Spirit on Retreat

This is part 4 of a 7-part series on Personal Retreats that Brenda wrote for Everyone a Missionary in 2007. We also ran this series in 2016. Click here if you would like to start at the beginning of the series. The second …

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A Stance of Stillness

The majesty of God is revealed when we step outside. But unless we take a stance of stillness, much is missed in the blur of motion and commotion. When we pause, quiet and still – we notice … …

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Hard Happens

Hard happens. When it does, it’s important to pause. Jesus did. When he got word of his cousin’s death, Jesus took off to be alone – to be quiet and alone. When Jesus heard what had happened, …

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