
Gifts Galore

Brenda Jank and the Run Hard. Rest Well team are thought leaders in the arena of Restorative Wellness. Find additional resources at Contact us at:

Soul Shaping Gifts

  COVID has brought loss and tragedy, but through some of our forced stops, new treasures have emerged.   Ayanna Jackson is a High School Senior. During her Sophomore year, when Covid shut down schools, she asked her mom …

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The Best Thanksgiving Ever

With grief and gratitude pulling our hearts in opposite directions, “hit pause” this Thanksgiving. Recognize the losses you have faced through Covid-19 and the gifts that have emerged. Inventory your heart. Do this alone. Or take the …

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3 Questions for Today

Amy Carmichael, a missionary to India who was born in 1867 and died in 1951, has insights for us today. God won’t waste our time.He won’t waste our talents.He won’t waste our pain. Covid-19 is revealing an …

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THE Leadership Question

  The right question, at the right moment can convict, empower, transform. The opening question from a recent blog post of Dave Kraft made a beeline for my heart. Run Hard. Rest Well. is experiencing a tremendous …

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