Stimulus Funds

This month’s stimulus funds spell OPPORTUNITY.

Has your income vanished?

  • Receive these funds and thank God!  Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Has your income remained the same?

  • Share your abundance! Watch out for any “barn building” tendencies. Luke 12:16-21

Has your bank account grown—with a reduction in entertainment, shopping, gasoline, and restaurant visits?

  • Pay it forward! Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops. Proverbs 3:9

Three people shared their plan to practice radical acts of generosity this month. Let’s form an army! Don’t let guilt (or greed) drive your decisions. Ask. Seek. Listen. Follow God’s lead. He has plans for our hearts and our communities.

1. Share personally with a neighbor who is out of work—gift cards or cash. Don’t know anyone? Ask around. They are in our midst. Do you have kids under your roof? Spread the joy and the impact. Make it a family endeavor.
2. Invest in local or global efforts to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
3. Support the ministries God lays on your heart. Hold up their arms—hold them in prayer. Exodus 17:12-14

Onward. Eyes on Jesus. Hearts on fire.

Note: Run Hard. Rest Well. is passionate about REST, because we are passionate about the WORK God has us to do in us and through us. Some of us have no free time right now. Some of us have more free time than ever before. How can we invest our time, resources, and creativity to extravagantly serve the lonely, least, last, and lost for such a time as this?

First time here?

2 thoughts on “Stimulus Funds”

  1. I read this post directly underneath the notification of the deposit of our stimulus checks. What timing! Would I have permission to share this with my church family? Thank you! Margy W

    • Margy,

      Yes. Please! There is such great need.
      As the Body of Christ, we have such an opportunity to be a conduit or receive with thanksgiving!
      Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!

      Eyes on Jesus, Brenda

      Brenda Jank

      Founder/Executive Director (260) 239-1297

      *Run Hard. Rest Well.*

      *Champions Rest. Equips Leaders. Changes Culture. * Sign up for *A Rest that Works* seminar or retreat


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