The whole idea, the whole premise of “Run Hard. Rest Well.” is not nice.
It is not nice, it is needed.
It’s needed for sanity.
For families to be whole.
For hearts to heal.
For the church to be the church.
If you would like to be a change agent in your church, your school, your workplace, your neighborhood, send us a note. God is raising up a band of warriors.
The fight is real.
And it will be won . . . one brave heart at a time.
When we turn our hearts to God’s design, overload and exhaustion won’t have the final say.
We need you. We welcome you – you who are near and those who are far. We are an equal opportunity provider!
- Prayer Warriors . . . a new team is forming
- Advocates . . . who invite and encourage others to explore
- Catalysts . . . who open the door for a specific group to experience a seminar, retreat or small group Bible study
Drop me a note at
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