Radical Sabbatical.
Over the last two years I’ve tried to figure out how to infuse a Sabbatical Rest into a life that does not allow for “time away” in typical Sabbatical fashion.
I’ve tried out different ideas. I’ve come away from these trial runs believing it’s possible—far from easy, but possible.
For me, it’s been about “working” 9-5 each day, and moving into a very intentional rest from 5 pm to 9 am every day. It’s involved radical, difficult, short-term “no’s” for a week or two. It’s also included a lot of yeses, like:
Choosing a bed time and sticking to it.
Exploring margin.
Lunch dates with friends.
Accepting help, sometimes even asking for it.
Care-free fun with my family.
Personal retreat times – set and scheduled.
I’ve learned a few things along the way, but have much to explore, master, embrace.
I’m ready to give it a go—live! (Not pre-recorded.)
My bone dry tank is crying out.
I’ve been exploring this idea here and there over the last 24 months, dipping my toes into the idea of Radical Sabbatical.
I’ve found it quite inviting. The water is deep and blue.
The time has come to take a plunge. I’m ready to dive in – face first, a full body dunk for a very thirsty soul.
Want to join me?
What would a weekend, a week or a month of Radical Sabbatical look like for you?
I’ve learned it’s something that requires forethought and planning.
Would it be worth the effort?
Maybe later this month, or in August, in October?
Want to give it a try? I would love for you to join me.
Water wings are available upon request.
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