Parenting in the Fast Lane

By Brenda Jank

Originally published in May 2016, Brenda’s words have meaning for us this day!

Antibacterial soap.
Infant monitors.
Car seats.
Bike helmets.

We go to great lengths to protect our children from many lurking dangers, but not all. There is one that alludes most households.


Trapped IN the rat race ON the treadmill of opportunity, we run faster and harder at every turn. Devoted to our children and well-meaning in every way, we’ve inadvertently exchanged devotion to God to devotion to our children’s success and happiness.

Complex. Crushing. Compelling. We need to start talking. We need to start asking questions and sharing stories with others who value the sanctity and sanity of family life – how it is and how it could be

Question #1 As you look at your calendar, your exhaustion, and your child’s face, what do you fear most when it comes to a saying “no” to an irresistible opportunity before you?

Then take the list to Jesus. It’s a great place to begin.

First time here?

2 thoughts on “Parenting in the Fast Lane”

  1. I had an hour commute at one time. I had the choice on how I would use that hour. I got the Bible on CD and listened to that on my way home. Sometimes I put in an especially worshipful CD of song. By the time I got home I was ready to spend time with my kids and my chores. Car time is really a blessing when used right.

    • I love the vision and priority you crafted for your own heart and your family, Betty.
      We need real-life models.
      It opens doors for others – !!
      Thank you!!


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