A Vacuum and the Voice of God

By Brenda Jank

Originally published in May 2016, Brenda’s words have meaning for us this day!

My vacuum had not been working the last few weeks, so I took it in to get fixed at a local father-son vacuum repair shop. Well, when I got it back, it still wasn’t working. I called them, and they kindly said to bring it back in.

On my way there, I sensed the Lord say, “Do you wonder why I am bringing you here a second time
. . . maybe, I want you to show them My love.”

(This story came from Laura Martin. The rest is my interpretation of her account.)

With that still, small voice that came out of nowhere, God had my attention. I mused “Hmm, hadn’t thought about that. I’m mostly feeling frustrated by this return trip. Well Lord, lead the way.” My heart-rate quickened.

Once inside, the owner pulled popcorn out of the vacuum and within minutes, it was back in action. Laura struck up a conversation with the owner, found out that his daughter-in-law was fighting cancer and was able to pray with him. She left the shop, but returned, recognizing that the Lord was not finished.

Laura sensed the Holy Spirit say, “Go in again . . . don’t waste this opportunity to share your faith because of fear.” Laura listened and obeyed. She marched back in. The father and son were at the counter. The woman fighting cancer was the son’s wife. “I’m back! I didn’t share the most important thing in my whole life. Can I ask you a question? Do you believe in God?” From there, a great conversation ensued.

Laura found out this family was Jewish. The two men were very open to have her share her faith. They listened intently and thanked her profusely. They didn’t pray to receive Christ, but these two Jewish men have now heard the Gospel message and have a Bible in their hands. I shared this story with my daughter, Anna.

Anna asked, “Does God talk to you like that, Mom?”
“Yep. Not very often, but He has.”
“What does God’s voice sound like?”
“I can’t describe it, but there is no questioning it. What I can say about it, is this . . .

  • It is always clear, distinct. I don’t question it. It does not come from me.
  • Sometimes I hear Him speak a gentle word of tenderness or a timely truth that alters my perspective or my pain.
  • More typically, God asks me to do something out of my comfort zone. Like Laura, it changes my immediate plans. At one of my retreats this year, I shared a story about hearing from God when I was 21 and living in Florida. It was a “conversation” with God that changed my life. If it was not for me hearing God’s voice that day, you would never have been born and Run Hard. Rest Well. would not exist. After sharing this story, a man from the group asked me, “Brenda, why do you think God spoke to you?” Stumped, I said. “I don’t know.” I will never forget his reply. “God speaks out loud, when necessary, to those willing to listen and obey.”

Our take home for today. The Lord confides in those who fear him. Psalm 25: 14a (NIV 1983)

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4 thoughts on “A Vacuum and the Voice of God”

  1. Thank you for this crucial reminder!

    Blessings, Tami

    “God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them… We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.”

    • What a plan – !
      With God choosing to make our hearts His home – we have constant contact – allowing us to LIVE on mission every day, every moment.
      To be about the good He planned for us to do. (Ephesians 2) Nothing more thrilling than this … !!
      Lord Jesus – open our hearts, our ears, and fuel our GO.

      • Good morning Brenda,

        This is Gwendolyn Morris and I was just wondering if you were able to see my comments?

        I just wanted to make sure that I was still apart of this beautiful community.

        Have a wonderfully blessed and peaceful day.

        • Yes.
          Yes indeed – !
          And I am always blessed and encouraged.
          If I have missed some, I will get to them.
          Every fall and spring is a full-plate time of travel and speaking.
          I have 1 1/2 weeks to go!
          Pray us through!


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