Moments Matter

We’re having the best days of our lives. Intentionality is the mother of love. We are giving time and attention to how we spend the hours of our days.

Moments matter. Hospice Care brings that into clear focus. The time traps of modern life lose their binding grip.moments

We are gathering more.

We are laughing harder.

We are listening better.

I watch the kids going out of their way to chat with Josh. Watch a Myth Buster’s with him. Bring him some apple-cranberry juice. Say good night with a fist bump. These actions are really “insignificant.” They are not costly or time consuming, but they are intentional and laced with love.

Little things matter.

And we are all better because of it.

What moments are you seizing these days?

First time here?

14 thoughts on “Moments Matter”

  1. There is a precious lady at church who I dearly love. We aren’t “friend” as you would categorize friends, but she is special. She is a busy lady and everytime I see her, she is running here or there to accomplish the tasks at hand. Her responsibility it great. And yet….every time she sees me, she comes over and gives me a hug. She is very intentional in her love. It means the world to me. A simple “hi” or a wave from across the church says I have identity to someone. I card can put a smile on my face that will light the darkest night. What a wonderful blessing for you all as Josh is intentionally loved. He’s one sick young man, and yet, instead of shying away, your kids make an effort to reach out. That speaks volumes to me of the way they were raised, Christ in them, humility, selflessness. It tells me of deep love. Thank you for all you do…. and all you have done. Blessings in your day today.

    • Betty,
      the sight of their love blesses me. It is easy to pull away, pull back. It makes the love deeper, but also the pain.
      Thank the Lord for these special ones in our lives who go out of their way.
      Reminds me of you!
      Blessings on your sleep to come and the New Day that rises up.
      Love, Brenda

    • Linda —
      i just wrote this to Brian — but it’s what’s on my heart. I cut and paste it to you my dear, sweet friend who is on a different front porch, but has the same address of heaven.
      Love and prayers!
      Thank you, Linda! for your prayers, encouragement and support. I have found in this journey with josh, that I am a writer. I pray and process my way through life and pain with pen and paper in hand. When a moment allows I type it in. It’s sent to a dear friend who then does the work of editing, updating and posting. I am blessed. If it becomes a word of reminder from God, too, to others, may the Glory be all His. He is good.

    • Thank you, Brian, for your prayers, encouragement and support. I have found in this journey with josh, that I am a writer. I pray and process my way through life and pain with pen and paper in hand. When a moment allows I type it in. It’s sent to a dear friend who then does the work of editing, updating and posting. I am blessed. If it becomes a word of reminder from God, too, to others, may the Glory be all His. He is good.

  2. We, too, are trying to be intentional with our moments, as we wait for our foster kids to return home… four weeks from tomorrow. Thanks for the reminder that it’s often the little things are the most significant.

    • oh Kris,
      Some of my most agonizing moments in life were the last ones with foster kids who had become my own. Anguish. Then the days, nights, weeks, months, years of prayers and surrender. At times like that I always thought death would have been easier, because I would know they were safe in the arms of Jesus. This. This. It is a deep surrender of hope and tears, prayers and pleas to the One who hears each cry. I will hold you, and these little treasures in prayer.
      My love.
      My prayers.

      • Brenda, I have been thinking about the parallels between our journeys right now. I wouldn’t dare to compare my pain with yours… I can’t imagine what it is like to lose a child… but what a blessing to know beyond a doubt that Josh will be safe in the arms of Jesus… no more pain, no more tears, no more fear, no more confusion, no more uncertainty. My love and my prayers right back at you, my friend.

        • Kris,
          High traffic flow as the prayers go back and forth.
          Numbering our days…all of us.
          So very grateful for each one.
          So grateful for the unseen mystery of days to come here and beyond with those we love and cherrish.
          What’s the day.
          Josh and I will cover your family in prayer together!

  3. I too have slowed down to hear God speak. In the sunrises and sunsets of the days seeing is beautiful pictures in the sky called clouds, the warmth of the sun on my face and arms. The busy chipmunks with their full cheeks on my patio. The birds sing there songs of praise. The leaves turning their colors. It is a time to get ready and a time of rest all in one. Trusting God with our hearts is the hardest thing to do. But I am getting better at it. Praying for all of your family asking God to hold each of you in His arms.

  4. New days. Another chance to put our feet on the floor, open our eyes to the sun, hear the morning song. Days. Hard days. A step closer. Another arrow to the heart. Another day to love. You bless me. To see and hear bits of your story. Redemption. Children chosen….loved… wanted. Redemption. Jesus specialized in redemption. He wants His children to have a chance to know Him…to trust…to believe…to know that He is God and there is no other. Each day He whispers songs of love in the hearts of all y’all. He brings giggles in the midst of tears. He shines light into the darkness. Jesus. What a wonderful, powerful, gentle, loving God.


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