
By Bekah Shaffer

When did Mary first encounter her Son, her Savior?

Did she know the minute the Holy Spirit engulfed her and she conceived the Messiah?

If she did, she may have felt a warm rush embrace her and known in that instant that the Son of God had begun to grow beneath her heart.

And as he grew there safely hidden in the secret place, as God His Father created His inmost being…knit Him together in His mother’s womb…as all the days ordained for Him were written in God’s great book before one of them came to be…did He grow within her heart even as He grew beneath it?

Did Mary consider her first meeting with Him that mysterious day when He rustled within her for the first time?

Or was it the moment when she brought forth her firstborn Son and laid Him in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn?

When did she meet Him?

We will never know for sure.

But that moment…that one fragment of time in the stable…never left her mind. She saw it, savored it, longed for it, as she stood at the foot of her Son’s cross, watching Him gasp for His final breaths just as she had watch Him gasp for His first. 

And just as Jesus’ fragile, infant life depended upon Mary, Mary’s fragile, sinful soul depended upon Jesus.

Mary recognized God’s blessing upon her. She acknowledged His might, His mercy, His justice, His help, and His faithfulness.

From the very start…from conception to childbirth to childhood to crucifixion, she saw how special Jesus was and she kept their bond sacred and secret. The moment she met Jesus was wealth unlike any other. She cherished that precious knowledge so deeply within her heart that perhaps even Joseph never knew. It was hers alone.

These words are excerpts from “His Advent: Still His Greatest Gift” written by Rebekah J (Freelan) Shaffer published by Westbow Press. Used by permission .


Matching Gift Final Count
Thank the LORD with us! In the mountains and in the valleys – God deserves our praise. He is GOOD in famine and He is GOOD in feast. Thank YOU for partnering with us in your prayers and gifts ranging from $5.00 to $5,000. Each is a testimony of what God is up to! Truly TOGETHER, we are working to deliver the good news of Restorative Wellness to people, organizations, and churches worldwide. Unrest is unraveling our hearts, our joy, and mission advance – and Jesus has lots to say to us on this. We have a job to do!
Along with all my favorite Christmas music, I am also singing “Hills and Valleys” by Tauren Wells

Brenda Jank and the Run Hard. Rest Well. team are thought leaders in the arena of Restorative Wellness. Find additional resources at Contact us at:

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