By Brenda Jank
John 4:6 is one of my favorites:
“Jesus, tired as he was, sat down by the well. It was about the 6th hour.”
What do we learn from Jesus in this short account of his life?
Alot. More than most of us realize.
Alot. More than most of us realize.
Jesus did not shy away from self-inventory.
Jesus honored his natural limits and chose decisively, to rest in his weariness, to put his feet up.
Take note, it was only noon! Jesus “should” not have been tired yet, but he was.
So He stopped. Sat down. And rested.
His Father used Jesus’ need to rest to set healing into motion for a woman emotionally broken and bleeding.
God uses all things. Our work and our rest.
May we learn to follow His lead.
Brenda Jank and the Run Hard. Rest Well team are thought leaders in the arena of Restorative Wellness. Find additional resources at Contact us at:
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