It’s All in the Name

By Brenda Jank

Names are important. Names of people and places are important, but so it naming our sin. Do you do that very often?

If I don’t know the name of my besetting sins, I distance myself from my highest goals and God’s greatest good.

Some people despise “labels.” I love a good (and accurate) one.

A number of my children fought mystery illnesses. Some for years. These nameless monsters almost ate us alive. Once named and known, we knew the beast that we were fighting. It made all the difference in the world.

My sin is the same way. Until it can be named, claimed and brought before the Throne, it is an evasive enemy out to devour and destroy me and those I love.

Alcoholics Anonymous has it right, and the people of God have much to learn from this great group of people when it comes to transformation.
“Hi. My name is Brenda and I am _________.”

We need to fill in the blank. We must fill in the blank.

A hoarder. A Guilt-monger. Obsessive. Self-centered. A tyrant. A pushover. A fraud.

How can we dare be so bold? So honest? So vulnerable?

Because of the name my Father has given me.

How much do the consequences of my besetting sins bring unrest into my life?
James 5:16 encourages us to name these out loud.
Who is your safe person? Your safe group? Don’t be afraid.

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