The Big Top Ten

God keeps things pretty simple for us.  He’s aware of our capacity and our overload.

Recently I stumbled across an attempt to communicate the Ten Commandments to my children when they were little.  After many years, re-reading this twenty-word summation caught my attention and captured my heart.

The Big, Top Ten in Twenty Words                                     

  1. Love God
  2. Prioritize Him
  3. Honor Him
  4. Rest Well
  5. Respect Others – start with your parents
  6. Protect Life
  7. Value Family – begin with your spouse
  8. Take Nothing
  9. Be Honest
  10. Be Content

Rest comes to us in many ways.  Keeping things simple and focused unclutters, and redefines.

How shall we live?

Rest assured, our Lord points the way.


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