What is God Calling You to Do that is Not Getting Done?

What is God calling you to do that is not getting done?
In your life?
Your church?
The team you lead – whether it’s a ministry team or marketplace staff?
That’s a serious question. One we need to be asking. And answering.
Our Kingdom work depends on it.
As Christian influencers, we take God’s call on our life seriously, but how often does overload and exhaustion have the final say, derailing our best plans and intentions?

RHRW focuses on REST, but we do so because we are passionate about WORK.

For exhaustion, RHRW points people to God’s Word and the 4 life-giving rhythms it highlights.
For overload, RHRW points people to a must-explore tool called The 4 Disciplines of Execution. This book is the product of years of work and research by Franklin Covey’s organization.

What Jesus has to say about God’s will and our work is vital to us today.

From John 6:38 we hear Jesus say, “For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me.” In John 17:4 he announces, “I have brought you (Father) glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do.”

How many of us are going to be able to say that at the end of our lives?
How many of us can say that about what we were given to do last year? This last month?
Please note! Jesus did not say, “I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work everyone else gave me to do . . .”

So often, what keeps us from getting done what God has called us to do, is that we are distracted by so many other good, important, opportunistic things to do. Things we are good at. Things we care deeply about.

RHRW teaches people to listen well. We need to know the Father’s voice and the truth of how he empowers his people.

The 4 Disciplines of Execution has been an invaluable tool, helping me DO what he has called me to do, to remain committed to this one thing, amidst the distraction of many good things.

Both “listening well” and focusing on “one thing” have been a game-changer in my life.
Launching RHRW, launched me into a whirlwind. The incessant barrage of needs, demands, and opportunities are nonstop. That’s life. That’s not going to change. So in this whirlwind, how am I going to advance to DO that which HE has called ME to do?

God placed The 4 Disciplines of Execution into my life exactly when I needed it.

Do you want to learn how to live in the whirlwind while advancing on your most important (God-given) priority?

  • Making church members into disciple makers
  • Losing 20 pounds
  • Retaining fully engaged, emotionally healthy staff
  • Raising funds for a new ministry endeavor
  • The list goes on . . .

For those of you from around the country and around the world, consider buying The 4 Disciplines of Execution. If you are able to do it here, your purchase will financially support the ministry of RHRW.

For those who live near northeast Indiana, RHRW is sponsoring a dynamic 1/2-day leadership event on May 19 for leaders and their teams. This live, simulcast event from South Bend will feature the author of The 4 Disciplines of Execution, Chris McChesney, along with other nationally renowned leadership experts.

Our Kingdom Work is too important, too vital to miss an opportunity to expose our team to an extraordinary 1/2-day leadership event emphasizing organizational excellence and staff vitality. Join Run Hard. Rest Well. and Lead USA on Friday, May 19 from 8:00 to 1:00 at The Summit. For more information visit runhardrestwell.org. Don’t miss out on what the organizational insights of Run Hard. Rest Well. and The 4 Disciplines of Execution can do to advance God’s work in our world through your team.

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