From My Heart to Yours

By Brenda Jank

Hello my friend –

We have been “meeting” together weekly, through these blog posts, for almost 8 years. I am grateful for you and the journey we are on together. This blog comes in 2 parts: 2020 in Review and Is Weary Your New Middle Name?

2020 in Review

By the hand of God and a large 2020 grant, RHRW did not go belly-up this year. As a ministry dependent on face-to-face time with groups of people, Covid-19 has been brutal, with mass cancelations. Even with the PPP loan, we lost our Director of Strategic Advancement, a heart-breaking loss. Month after month, income has not met expenses. After 5 years of running in the black, this year we are projecting to end with a deficit of $16,000. For a new nonprofit ministry, this is a significant burden.

More than ever, we need your support. The demand for our work expands by the day, yet

  • The ministries we serve are more strapped for cash than ever before
  • The grant-giving organizations, who have supported us, are now overwhelmed with requests

As we enter a year of transition, expanding our on-line and video-based mission opportunities, we need God’s people to stand in the gap to support 

  • New video production
  • Our everyday operating expenses

We need people like Aaron and Hur (Exodus 17:12-14) to hold up our arms as we battle for the hearts, homes, and ministries of the winded, worn, and weary here in the US and abroad. Visit our fall newsletter (click here) to see all the ways the Lord is preparing us to launch into new territories and seize remarkable opportunities.

Navigating Covid-19 crisis and recovery requires a pace and a plan that is God honoring, transformative, and sustainable. The global turmoil threatening to take us under reminds us that only one thing will make us battle ready. Our souls must be at rest. Your gift today will allow Run Hard. Rest Well. to continue to point people to green pastures and quiet waters where Jesus fills our empty buckets and we find our rest in the arms of God.

Give Now On-Line


A Short, but Sweet Devotional Thought –

Is Weary Your New Middle Name? 

Psalm 40:28-31 is familiar, loved, and timely.

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youth grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles … 

To understand the HOW and WHY of this remarkable promise, God points us to verse 11 – NIV.

He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart.

Do you hear that? Drink it in. The God of the universe holds us. Cradles us. Carries us close to His heart. This is where the hope of verse 31 is cultivated and our strength is renewed. As 2021 rises up before us, let us recognize where we need to be. In the arms of love. God bless. God keep. May hope abound.

Onward – !    

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