By Brenda Jank
“Look, Mommy, we’re playing Mike and Mary.” Anna and Noah had their heads covered with baby blankets. “I’m holding baby Jesus.” One of Anna’s baby dolls was wrapped in a blue blanket. Noah grinned and cocked his head. They made a charming Bethlehem couple.
“Are you playing Mary and Joseph?” I gently asked.
“No, we’re playing Mike and Mary!” Before I could say anything, they were off—perhaps to Egypt, maybe to Cincinnati. Who knows??! But they were gone.
My little gurus of fun brought a needed smile to my face. The whole scenario was incredibly cute, but fundamentally flawed. Hmmm. It got me thinking.
Does my celebration of Christmas contain any fundamental flaws? Who’s on center stage? Too often, I forget. I forget to celebrate this remarkable intrusion of heaven upon earth, of Light into darkness. I forget to bow down—to wonder, whisper, worship. But, it’s never too late.
But I, by your great mercy, will come into your house; in reverence will I bow down… Psalm 5:7
Let’s do it. Let’s bow down low, with knees pressed into hardened dirt sprinkled with straw and clumps of mud. There’s a small child before us, a newborn, fresh from his mother’s womb, fresh from the throne of heaven.
His cries pierce the stillness of a star-studded night. This babe awakens a longing in each of us—a longing only He can fill. And He will fill us. Our hearts will overflow. He will heal, restore, give life—and make all things new. May these blessings and more be ours in abundance.
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