
Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. John 11:5

These words (especially the first three), and the order in which they were written, leaped out and landed in my heart.


I would have expected Mary, Martha’s sister, to be the first one listed. You know, the one who sat at Jesus’ feet.

I raced to Luke 10. Here, I was reminded it was Martha who first initiated the relationship this sibling group of three had with Jesus.

As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to them. Luke 10:38


She was a doer. An initiator. A mover and a shaker.

Martha made things happen. Good things.

She saw opportunities, seized the moment, opened doors.

Once Jesus accepted Martha’s invitation, she moved into overdrive. I imagine her home teeming with people. I sense in her a desire to connect others with the One who captured her heart. Martha was on a mission.

Are you?

Am I?

Do I see opportunities? Seize the day? Open doors?

Jesus loved Martha

He loved her enough to speak hard words to her.


Truth that makes us all squirm, blush, reel.

Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:41-42

Words spoke with love … and an invitation to rhythm.

Is This Your First Time Here?


Run hard. Rest well. launched in March 2013. If this topic grabs your heart, we’d like to encourage you to subscribe to this weekly blog. The information to do so is located on the right hand side of this page. Along the way, we’ve encouraged folks to read the first 12-weeks of posts found in the archives. (But no rush. Go slow.) Start with Week 1 (from March). Each post is numbered and lays an important foundational insight into the life-giving rhythm Run hard. Rest well.

  • The site is under construction this summer to compile the e-book, re-vamp the site and prepare to launch out into a broader spectrum of people. We’re excited by what’s ahead.

run hard. rest well.


First time here?

12 thoughts on “Better”

  1. Thank you for this today. I am often a Martha type, but praise God, he has also taught me how to be Mary, and know when to sit at his feet, be still, & listen! But in him, and by his lead, he has also made me a bold initiator. I am fearfully and wonderfully made by our creator, & daily being transformed into the image of Christ! Hallelujah!

    I found this writing affirming me today as I’ve been wrestling with doubt and fear as my husband and I are to meet with a pastor about how we can serve his church. I’ve been suspecting our offer may be rejected, but I am resting in the knowledge that God has made me who I am, and I see all the other open doors and opportunities before us that may be the Lord’s will for us instead . I need not be concerned about the response today. I am called to obey and know he’s got plenty in store for me, with or without this church. I just need to stay in step with Him. Thank you, Marci P.s. I grew up with Kristine (Otten) Schneider and she introduced me to you years ago by email. I’ve prayed for you for years through those email updates you send for prayer. I, too, have had the subject of the rhythms of rest and work on my heart for at least 17 years. God is our portion. It is a needed message in these times of busyness and chasing after the wind.

    Isaiah 40:31

    • Marci,
      17 years. Praising the Lord for His goodness to you.
      And what a blessing to know of your prayers. The family of God — there is nothing else quite like it.
      Have you met with this pastor yet? I’m lifting up a prayer right now — for your hope, your service, your joy.
      To God be the glory!

  2. Oh, Brenda, beautiful. You have just opened up new trails for me to walk.

    Truth is a hard thing. It can hurt, but I find that lies destroy and even hurtful truth heals. It take a lot of love to speak Truth. But, oh the power in the blessings that come.

      • I met with my pastor this morning. Lies broken. Ignorance brought to understanding. Hope restored. I have to grow up and learn to stand. One battle Pastor could fight for me, but he won’t. He wants me to fight for me. I’ve never done that. I was taught that I should expect to be hurt, to accept pain and abuse. I never had power or authority. My pastor is trying to help me learn to stand up for me. I’m gonna try.

  3. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this message – it always makes me smile, as I can see my mom (Martha) fitting this role of Martha soo perfectly. Brenda, you are soo talented, we are blessed to have you and your writings. Please know you and the entire family are in our prayers, I have asked soo many to pray for you know the power of prayer!! May you feel His love surround you….

  4. I know you must be overwhelmed. Rest is needed. Emotional and physical. It is has been many hard days for you all. Now you are back and the emails and posts have piled up. The house and the day to day responsibilities have to be dealt with, but Josh….. I’m glad to hear Joe is doing better, too. We have a great and good and mighty God. His love is never ending and never failing.

    You asked how I was doing. Not well. I don’t know how much more I can take. There are no answers and there is no help. The winds of doubt pummel me. I know God sees me in this great darkness. I know HE know where I am. I know HE will never let me fail, but I struggle to stay upright. I struggle to hold onto the Truth I once knew. He will not fail me, but I am pushed beyond what I believe I can handle. This too shall pass and the God of all Peace will again reign….I just really hope it’s soon.


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