By Brenda Jank
Do you want to enjoy THE best Christmas ever – no matter your exhaustion, your bank account, your panic?
Ask yourself these three questions and write down the answers.
- List 3 Christmas things that give you great joy.
- List 3 Christmas things that leave you drained, depleted and irritable.
- List 3 Christmas things that make your heart beat hard for Jesus.
Do it. Grab a pen. Think it through. Take the time.
Now – free, ruthless and determined . . .
- Star or circle the items that will make this THE best Christmas ever.
- Cross out the items that are not a right-fit for THIS Christmas, this year. (These are not “bad” things, they just aren’t conducive to allowing your BEST Christmas ever, to unfold.)
Now, share this list with someone who knows you and loves you. Talk it through. Share your fears. Share your hopes. Share your heart’s desire for something more this Christmas.
Then – commence, move forward, advance into the BEST Christmas ever, with eyes dancing and heart beating with joy for the Advent journey before you.
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