Tucked within the overload of our lives is a lurking assailant that makes quick work of our joy and hope. It’s the incessant feeling of failure, whether it’s real or perceived.
Ever been there? It’s about done me in.
Spread too thin, there are no resources, time or energy to do anything well. We are our own worst critic. It’s a weight that is never lifted. We are well aware of what we should be doing and how we should be doing it. Our 24/7 media sees to that. Climb the corporate ladder in 10 easy steps. Eat more veggies. Read to your kids. Exercise 4 days a week. Date your spouse. Reduce your debt. Coach little league. Save the world. You get the idea.
Little in our lives makes a passing grade. I’ve felt this working on staff at a church full-time pulling 50-60 hours each week. I’ve felt it as a mom through every season: stay-at-home, homeschooling, work-outside-the-home. It doesn’t matter what hat we wear, the sense of failure is a one-size-fits-all equal opportunity deal. No one is immune.
No one, but Jesus. With his ears and heart riveted to the Father, he operated under God’s marching orders, every step he took. With that intimacy and level of obedience, there was no room to feel like a failure. Ever.
Will we ever feel failure-free? Not this side of heaven, but I do think we can reduce the power of its vice-like grip on our souls.
Next week, we will dive into the one thing that has harnessed and contained the monstrous sense of failure I’ve been burdened by in my life. I pray it will be a gift that alters the contours of the New Year before us. But first, am I alone on this one, or is it universal?
Is a “sense of failure” common, relentless or does it only rear it’s ugly head at certain times in life?Who’s more prone? Men or women? Young or old or mid-life? Certain personality types?
I’d love to hear from you. I’d love to tease this one out. Where do you feel it the most? Health and habits? Family life? Your vocation? Spiritual growth? Relational stability?
Love Makes A Difference!
Josh has an opportunity to win a short-story/photo contest called “Why I Farm.” Beck’s Seed Company is distinctly Christian and more than willing to see Josh participate. The $25,000 top prize is in seed, but we have it all worked out that the money will be able to be utilized to help fund Jing’s adoption costs … with any extra going to the orphanage in Mexico (www.ffhm.org). The after the “award tax” winnings would raise $5,000 to $16,000 for the top 3 winners. Josh could have a chance, but some mountains need to be moved. Josh will need 40,000 to 50,000 votes. The contest ends March 3. People can vote every day. Can you join in?! Once on the site, click on the vote link at the top. Create a one-step account that only requires your email address. It will not be used in any way. And vote. Can you pass this on? Vote every day if you can!
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