February Retreats

Sign up today for a Vantage Point Retreat click (https://runhardrestwell.org/retreat/) and then savor this thought . . .
There is a holiness to the moment in time that we call now. I think we sometimes forget that we can only meet with God in the present tense. We can be reminded of His activity in our life (or the lives of others) from the past. We can anticipate His Presence and provision for our future. But we can only meet with God in the the moment we call now. And once that moment is gone, it has past, never to be retrieve or re-lived. There are possibly a million moments that make up our future (possibly, but no guarantee), but the only moment that really matters is the one in which you are now drawing our breath. Pause now, and meet with Him. No agenda. No set plan. Just moments, right now, to recognize His presence. Cast your eyes upon Him for His eyes are upon you. His heart beats within you for He has made your heart His home.

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