3 Questions for Sabbath Keepers

joy infused sabbath keepingAre you short-changing your Sabbath Keeping?  Here are 3 questions to ask yourself this week.

  • What does God have for me in this day, through this day of rest?
  • What do I have for Him in this day, through this day of rest?
  • How will this be lived out with others in gratitude, joy and celebration?

A non-legalistic, joy-infused Sabbath Keeping is a portal into some of the best things God has for us in this New Year.  Isaiah points the way.

This is what the LORD says, “… foreigners (gentiles…hey that’s us!) who bind themselves to the Lord to serve him, to love the name of the LORD, and to worship him, all who keep the Sabbath without desecrating it and who hold fast to my covenant—these I will bring to my holy mountain and give them joy in my house of prayer.”    Isaiah 56:6-7a

Joy is an early casualty of our fast-paced, nonstop world, but these questions can turn the tide.

Hey!  Now I have 3 questions for you.

  • This winter, we will begin a very practical series on how to make biblical rhythms of work and rest a reality in the 21st century. To do this, I need your questions. Will you send them my way?
  • Did you know that to send a question or a comment, all you have to do is hit “reply” – if you are an email subscriber to this blog? It’s that simple! (No need to log on and visit the website.)
  • We need your input! Over the next few weeks, will you send in your questions, as well as the unasked questions of people in your life? Hit reply or send a note to brenda@runhardrestwell.org. Questions like. . .

My boss demands 24/7 contact and response?  How do I refuse?  Can I refuse?

My daughter wants to join a traveling soccer team with weekly Sunday games …

Rest?  How do I get my kids to WORK?

I wake up every night at 3 AM?  Why?  Can it be changed?

We are all in this together!  Thanking God for you, your journey, your insights, your questions!  And as this day continues, may His joy be your strength.


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