10,000 Reasons

by Brenda Jank

Matt Redman’s song, 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord, O my soul), has been viewed by 25 million people on YouTube since May 2012.

If you haven’t sung it recently, click here and take a minute and allow the words and melody to usher you into the presence of God at some point today. I did. Sweet time! I’ve been singing it ever since.

RHRW has been blessed by our first Matching Gift. By the end of this beautiful, unfolding story, we will have 10,000 more reasons to give thanks to God. It all began 2 weeks ago when a 39-year old mom of 2 approached me after one of our May retreats.

“Brenda, this is exactly what I needed—and so much more. How can I thank you?” She paused, then looked me square in the eye.

“How can we help? How can we help Run Hard. Rest Well. get this into more homes, churches, and groups? People NEED this message! People everywhere need this message!”

It was my turn to pause.

“Can I be honest, like really honest? We need investors and donors like never before. People are tired and RHRW is experiencing an explosion of growth, but a vast majority of our groups are unable to pay the true cost of what we do and offer, but we still serve. We always say yes and make a way. We “keep the lights on,” but our current financial situation is not allowing us to add the staff we truly need to meet the requests and demands coming our way. We need help!”

This woman smiled. Then she began to laugh.

“If my husband and I gave a large gift, could it be matched?”

“Yes. I think it could!”

So, dear friends, can you help us turn $5,000 into a $10,000 gift!”

Our goal and prayer – by June 1st.

Can you help today?

·         The middle school student who announced, “Run Hard. Rest Well. is now my hero.”

·         Young women experiencing an unexpected pregnancy

·         Teachers and nurses who weep, catching a glimpse that there is more to life than what they know

·         Pastors who ask, “where have you been?”

Donate Today

Visit the DONATE tab on the secure page on our website. (Add a note in the message box – For the Matching Gift)

Or send us a check at
Run Hard. Rest Well.
1596 S 150 W
Albion, IN 46701
Attention: Matching Gift

Let’s make this a fundraiser and a friend-raiser! Together, we can make a difference by offering hope and help to a hurting world.

Brenda Jank and the Run Hard. Rest Well team are thought leaders in the arena of Restorative Wellness. Find additional resources at www.RunHardRestWell.org. Contact us at: brenda@runhardrestwell.org

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