The Art of “No” – The Power of “Yes”

As people of purpose, our passions run high, yet the daily whirlwind is real – and often daunting. It can suck us in and sit us out. Demands and opportunities surface, emerge, and pile up, whittling away margin, breathing room, and joy. For vibrancy to be a hallmark feature of our lives and the lives of our staff, a determined YES, must be declared when it comes to rest and rhythm. Below is an excellent snippet from an article by Michael Hyatt. 

5 Reasons You Need to Get Better at Saying No
by Michael Hyatt

If you struggle to say NO, consider these words of wisdom. If I don’t say no –

  1. Other peoples’ priorities will take precedence over ours.
  2. Mere acquaintances—people we barely know!—will crowd out time with family and close friends.
  3. We will not have the time we need for rest and recovery.
  4. We will end up frustrated and stressed.
  5. We won’t be able to say yes to the really important things.

This last one was the clincher for me (Michael Hyatt). Here’s what Patti Breitman and Connie Hatch say in their book, How to Say No Without Feeling Guilty:

Out of guilt or fear of confrontation, we take on more projects, invest in someone else’s priorities.… In the process, we dissipate our most valuable personal resources—time, energy, and money—on things that aren’t important to us. Each time we agree to something without enthusiasm for interest, we waste a little more of these precious resources.

Now let’s turn that around. Every time we say no to something that is not important, we are saying yes to something that is: our work, our relationships, our resources, our margin.


Thanks, Michael!

Now, re-read this list of 5. Hit pause and ponder. Anticipate the requests that will be coming your way today, this week, and throughout this season.

Can you practice saying “no” or at least, “let me get back to you.” Ask the hard, painful question: Does this request align to my/our most critical goals? This NEW practice might open NEW doors to NEW life for you, your organization, and your team.

As you learn the art of NO, what will you be able to say YES to with great passion and great joy?

To explore Michael Hyatt’s entire article, click here.

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