
Week 11: Retreat!

“Retreat!” It’s a battle cry of the beloved. It’s strategic. It is revolutionary. My first personal retreat was the open gate that welcomed my heart back home to rest. As a deeply ingrained workaholic, the power of …

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Week 10: Predictability #5

Do you love a little person – or a bunch of little people ages 1-18? (They don’t even have to live under your roof.) This post is for you. Think Why do we spend most of our …

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Week 10: P.R.A.Y. #4

Find rest, O my soul, in God alone. Psalm 62:5a This promise speaks to me of prayer. The word P.R.A.Y. is a helpful tool for me as I explore ways to find rest for my soul. P. …

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Week 10: Knowing God #3

Be still and know that I am God… Psalm 46:10a Two scriptural accounts have formed my “knowing” God. Satisfied But I have stilled and quieted my soul; like a weaned child with its mother, like a weaned …

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Week 9: God Speaks #2

God speaks to us through creation. He speaks to us through his Word. He speaks to us through quiet hearts. (Busy hearts, too, but the reception can be fuzzy.) When I was little, I was baffled—BAFFLED—by Jesus’ …

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Week 9: Dare to Dialogue #1

Prayer. If I’m really honest, I have to admit I find it easier to spend ten minutes talking about God than ten minutes talking to God. My life bears evidence of this reality too often. My growth …

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Week 8: Sabbath Nuts and Bolts #2

Sabbath Rest in the 21st century begins with honoring the Commandment and its Creator (see Week 8 – #1), but there are two additional areas to explore. #3 Honor Yourself Are you familiar with activities that are …

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Week 8: Sabbath Nuts and Bolts #1

What does Sabbath Rest look like in the 21st century? It has a lot to do with honor. Four things come to mind. Two today. Two later this week. #1 Honor the Sabbath If God says I …

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Week 7: White Flags

Sabbath Keeping The work of surrender is mine – surrendering up the hours of my days and weeks. The work of transformation is his. No doubt about it. We find this promise of God’s workmanship in our …

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Week 7: Holy Ground

Confession When it comes to embracing the rhythm and rest of Sabbath Keeping, conviction is likely the first step, but the next step is always confession. It’s where the rubber hits the road. Confession means agreeing with …

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