
Protective Custody

And a sword will pierce your own soul, too. Luke 2:35 That’s quite a prediction for a young teen who was up round-the-clock satisfying the hunger pains of the Son of God packaged as her new born babe. …

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12 Days of Christmas Rest

Christmas rest, at its best, might be found in the 12 Days of Christmas. It begins one week from today on December 26 and ends on January 6, the day commemorating the arrival of the Wise Men. …

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Let Freedom Ring

“I have to…” “I have to _____.” Fill in the blank. It’s a dangerous phrase. Common, yes. Necessary, at times. But taxing, even toxic in the world of December overload. Bound, hard and fast, to the emotional expectations …

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Christmas quiet

Charles Blow, a single dad of 3 children shares his secret through the strain and drain of daily overload. He writes, “My mother taught me that you must allow yourself time to find stillness so you can be …

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Tomorrow I will be on retreat. It will be a full day away, and my longing heart is hungry—hungry to be unplugged, un-needed and free. Physically, I hope to be outside much of the day.  Spiritually, I …

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Price Tag

There is a price tag attached to our overload and exhaustion. A deep discontentment that settles in our bones and sours our soul. Relational tension – combative, distant, destructive. Illness. Mild and annoying. Dramatic and life-changing. Death. …

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Idolatry Today

We all serve, honor, live for something, whether it’s God or a god. People did it 4,000 years ago and we’re still doing it today. Through the years, my definition of idolatry was limited and uniformed. As …

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Prayerless wonder

Convicted. Again. I am a prayerless wonder. I have learned of yet another Kingdom worker who spends hours (HOURS) on his knees before entering his day. And it shows – in his heart, his hope, his vision, …

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Servant Leadership – Part 2.

At this website we spend a lot of time challenging each other to embrace the God-ordained rewards of a guilt-free rest. It’s a counter-cultural commitment and requires accountability and encouragement every step of the way. This is …

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R.I.P – ‘rest in peace’ is a declaration of death, but what if it becomes a statement, a bold stance for life. With a child in hospice, another facing chronic pain & disability and my dad battling …

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