
R.I.P. vs RESTING in Peace

R.I.P is a declaration of death, but what if it becomes a statement – a bold stance for life. With a child in hospice, another facing chronic pain and disability, and my dad battling stage 4 metastasized …

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Easter: A Sign for All Time

Luke 19 reminds us that as Jesus approached Jerusalem the week before he died, he wept. “If you, even you, had known on this day what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes …

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What Makes Jesus Weep This Week?

This past Sunday I was in Luke 19, revisiting Jesus’ arrival into Jerusalem on the Sunday before his death. As Jesus approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it and said, “If you, even you, …

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The Unopened Gifts of Christmas

It is a rare thing for a wrapped Christmas gift to remain unopened for very long. Yet, Christmas after Christmas, untold gifts from Heaven remain unclaimed and unopened. Would you like to claim your Christmas treasure this …

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Is Your Car Holy Ground?

  Peace and quiet. They go together more then we’d like to admit. The profound absence of quiet in our lives is robbing us of the peace that God promises can and will defy human understanding. Back …

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I am rarely alone these days. It’s not good. It felt dangerous to be alone this week. When I was, every ounce of bottled emotion released its fury. My throat tightened. My stomach knotted. I forgot how to …

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Sweet Spot

A sweet spot. I am in that place—a place where I am intimately aware of the hand that leads and the heart that beats for me, for you. It’s a place of astounding security (held tight), freedom …

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