
Human Limitations

“Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.”Psalm 147:5 God is infinite. We are not.We have limits. He does not.  The first step to combat chronic fatigue is to recognize our needs …

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Parenting in the Fast Lane

Originally published in May 2016, Brenda’s words have meaning for us this day! Antibacterial soap.Infant monitors.Car seats.Bike helmets. We go to great lengths to protect our children from many lurking dangers, but not all. There is one …

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Catch Your Breath

Truth for the Trenches For parents of kids who need more and give more than the world will ever know. Note: This article was written in 2002, but republished many times. As the Covid-19 crisis rages, I …

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Elephant Eating 101

I want this blog to be about rest, you and God. Not me. But I need to share. My son, Josh, was in the hospital again today, but he’s home now. He’s fighting liver disease. It’s attacking …

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