Stillness Is Time Well Spent

By Stacey Dumbacher

Sometimes we live life on autopilot – not feeling or thinking, just running until we sit in front of the TV or fall into bed. This way of life leaves no time to think. Little time to process, feel, or self-reflect. 

While leading a staff workshop, I gave the team 20-minutes to step away from the fray and lean into a time of stillness. I told them they were free to do whatever they wanted. They could walk, read, journal, or nap. I asked them to leave their phones off. After the workshop, one of the leaders came up to me and shared, “Stacey, during this time of stillness I did a prayer journal, which is something I enjoy doing but I don’t do very much. While journaling, the Lord revealed to me my anger toward a couple of people. I didn’t even realize I was angry! “

We need to take time. Time to look at our hearts. Time to rejoice. Time to acknowledge our hurt. Time for God to reveal our sin. And time to count our blessings. 

What might 5-minutes of stillness look like for you today?    


Stacey Dumbacher is the Director of Programs at Run Hard. Rest Well. and speaks extensively locally and out-of-state. Stacey is loving the beauty of nature as the sun bounces off the snow this winter.  Interested in a seminar or retreat? You can reach Stacey at 260-415-3422 or


Brenda Jank and the Run Hard. Rest Well team are thought leaders in the arena of Restorative Wellness. Find additional resources at Contact us at:

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