Simple Summer Joy[s]

by Brenda Jank

Ready for summer?  It’s here – with an invitation to things we often neglect.

I’ve got 2 “assignments” for you today.

One. If you’ve got 10 free minutes and want to challenge your core beliefs and understanding of play, in a way that is dynamic and energizing, listen to Stuart Brown’s TED talk sometime this week. Seeped in science, it’s a game changer.

Two. Dream.

What simple summer joys can be yours, if a tad of intentionality is factored into the weeks that lie before you?

Make a list. Post it on your fridge. Share it on this post. Engage. Enjoy. Don’t delay. Don’t wait for a convenient time. It will never transpire. The operative word is N O W.

Here’s a “starter” list to put you in the mood.

Eat an ice-cream cone. Chase down an ice-cream truck. Pick a dandelion. Lay out under the stars. Learn to skip stones. Dance in the spray of a sprinkler. (Let a little one lead the way.) Blow bubbles on your porch . . . every day. Walk through the grass barefoot. (How long has it been?) Build a sand castle. Mimic a bird; see if he talks back. Sit on your porch. Linger. Do something you haven’t done in years. Ride a bike. Go canoeing. Roast a marshmallow. Nap in a hammock. Let cotton candy melt in your mouth. Dance with your shadow on a sunset walk…

Friends, this is just the beginning!

Make this a summer of white space. Margin. Breathing room. It will tap into something mysterious and miraculous…for you, yes! But also for those you love.

Brenda Jank and the Run Hard. Rest Well team  are thought leaders in the arena of Restorative Wellness. Find additional resources at Contact us at:

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