
By Bekah Shaffer

The Shepherd of our souls selected a group of shepherds to receive Jesus’ spectacular birth announcement. 

The night was probably an ordinary one for them. They might have gathered about in the field, swapping stories they’d heard before but loved to tell again and again. Perhaps one was about the birth of a lamb.

Little did they know that not too far away, a Lamb had just been born.

They were considered by some, surely, to be the least of the community. And yet that is exactly who this Baby had come to serve. Why should He wait until His ministry  began to meet those whose lives He came to save? Why should their names not be the first in the list of visitors inscribed in His baby book? He had come, after all, to make a way for their names to be inscribed in another Book…the Lamb’s Book of Life. 

Why not shepherds? In fact, who but them?

The forgotten and lowly were the sought and chosen ones. Under the dark cover of night, when the rest of the community lay tucked beneath blankets on their floor pallets, God the Father lit up the night sky for the faithful few still on duty.

And not only did He announce the birth of His Son, but He invited them to go and find Jesus. He sent them on a scavenger hunt of the city – leading them to the type of place they knew best – a barn. He told these shepherds the Baby had come for them. He would be in a manger. Shepherds knew about mangers. 

Meeting that Baby changed them forever. They knew they were seen by a Father above. They knew they were chosen to receive the news. They knew they had beheld – and perhaps even held – their Savior. And they could not keep it quiet. Jesus had arrived, and that led them to glorify and praise Him.

These words are excerpts from “His Advent: Still His Greatest Gift” written by Rebekah J (Freelan) Shaffer published by Westbow Press. Used by permission .

Brenda Jank and the Run Hard. Rest Well. team are thought leaders in the arena of Restorative Wellness. Find additional resources at Contact us at:

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