Run the Race for Schools

The emotional reserves of students are running low, yet they have a race to run—and a race to win. Do your students know how to capitalize on simple practices that refuel and recharge? Teach them how, lead the way, and do it together. The Run the Race video series equips 6th to 12th graders to refuel and recharge in ways they can own. This 6-session Life, Wellness, and Workplace Readiness program includes simple, yet powerful hands-on activities, questions that spark conversation, and session handouts designed to foster resiliency, create meaningful connection, and position students to thrive. For great flexibility, each session can be presented in 20 to 45-minutes, utilizing the 8-12 minute videos.

The Video Series

  • Session 1: The Power of Pit Stops
  • Session 2: Create Connection
  • Session 3: Reduce Cortisol
  • Session 4: Hit Pause
  • Session 5: Prioritize Sleep
  • Session 6: Pit Stops for Life

Distinctive Features

  • An exploration of evidence-informed Restorative Wellness
  • Priced and designed grade-level implementation, Health Classes, Home Room Programs, Student Leaders, In-School-Suspension, and on-line learning.
  • Story-driven, highlighting interviews with a diverse and delightful group of 22 teens
  • 1-page student handout for each session
  • Teacher guide and support
  • Continuing Education Units available for teachers (optional)
  • To create a 360-Impact, permission is given to distribute video links to parents and guardians via email or text
  • Spanish and English subtitles available in the near future


  • $500 or $1.00 per participating students (whichever is greater)

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