By Brenda Jank
Hey my friends! We have 2 things for you today.
May Retreats and Seminars
Catching the 360 Vision – whether you live in Indiana or halfway around the world
May Events
We have 4 Community Events (2 retreats and 2 seminars) and at least ONE is right for you!
- Pastors/Ministry Leaders
- Women (Hey. The May 6th event for women might be an ideal Mother’s Day gift for someone you love – maybe even yourself!)
- People! People who know Jesus and people who don’t know him yet
For more information and registration click here
Even if you don’t live close by, consider “sharing” our social media posts. It helps spread the word!
Please email hellp@RunHardRestWell.org for PR flyers on all or any of these events
Catching the 360 Vision
Breathe life into the people you lead, love, and serve.
4 Options available to support your goals for staff wellness, vibrancy, community impact, and Kingdom Advance.
Your Team to A Rest That Works Seminar or Retreat
Energizing, biblical, and insightful, lay a foundation of running hard and resting well through an introduction to Restorative Wellness that is refreshing, team-building, and life-giving.
1, 2, or 3-hour seminar – or a progressive series of seminars
Half-day or Full-Day Retreat
2 to 5 Day Retreat Experience
These First Step options cast a new vision.
Restorative Wellness into the Culture of Your Church, Ministry, Workplace
Powerful and life-changing, start with a half-day retreat, full-day retreat, or progressive PD series and add a 6, 8, or 12-month organizational initiative that creates lasting cultural change. Initiatives include: strategic follow-up support, coaching, inventories that cultivate critical conversations, and tools that transform. Programs available for Workplace Wellness, too.
Those You Serve
Champion rest and create community-wide impact by delivering A Rest That Works to the people you lead, love, and serve by introducing them to Restorative Wellness. We offer Certified Presenter Training opportunities for you to support your staff and impact those God calls you to serve.
Ministry Leaders
Create local, national, and global impact. Lead the charge and build the bridge to better*. Spotlight God’s message of Restorative Wellness with leaders who share your passion. Together, set a new standard of staff care and Kingdom advance.
*Bridge to Better
Igniting God’s people! Address the felt-need of chronic overload and exhaustion in their neighborhoods and workplaces by sharing the good news of Restorative Wellness and pointing people to the One who says, “Come to Me all who are weary …”