Thanking God for you, your passion and partnership. We are re-posting this blog because a website glitch on Nov 18th kept 2/3 of our blog subscribers from receiving it. Four Quiet Christmas Devotions will be coming your way starting on Wednesday. May your journey to the manger be hushed, holy and full of wonder.
Run Hard. Rest Well. has been asked to help rewrite the story of exhaustion and overload in the lives of God’s people. Because of God’s work in you, and people like you, new stories are being written every day.
Into this ache, Run Hard. Rest Well. spotlights – Jesus. Hope. Help. We are a ministry dedicated to re-introducing God’s people to biblical, transformative rhythms of work and rest. Why? So that we, as followers of Christ, are fully equipped to run the race that matters—to go and make disciples of all nations, beginning with those who live right next door (Matthew 28:19). Without rest and rhythm, we live in deficit mode, unable to invest time and energy into the people we’ve been commissioned to love, like, serve and enjoy—all in the Name of Jesus.
The battle to restore biblical rhythms back into people’s lives is fierce, but victory is assured. It’s God’s battle and His truth will not return void. We can’t do this alone.[tweetthis]The battle to restore biblical rhythms back into people’s lives is fierce, but victory is assured.[/tweetthis]
We are asking the Lord to establish a group of passionate partners who catch the vision and are ready to cast it, multiplying the impact of RHRW from coast to coast and beyond. Will you be numbered among us?
God is moving. Lives are changing. It’s our joy to share the message of rest, rhythm and restoration, at no cost, with people from around the world – 74 countries, with almost 1,000 blog followers each week. Since April, 367 people, mostly leaders, were reached through 17 different speaking engagements. Building a financial structure able to take the “Run Hard. Rest Well.” message into every home, every church, every nation will require a work of God through the gifts of His people. We extend this exciting partnership invitation once a year. Will you join us this year?
Until next year, my friend, run hard! Break a sweat every day. But rest well, too. Rest as if your life depends on it. It probably does.
$50 $100 $200 $500 $1,000 will make a difference.
Visit our online donation site or send a check to:
Run Hard. Rest Well.
1596 S. 150 W.
Albion, IN 46701
Want to hear more? Here’s the “Story” Version. It’s worth the read.
As an incorporated nonprofit, Run Hard. Rest Well. celebrated its one-year anniversary on November 5, 2015. Last year, we were deeply aware of our call to champion rest, equip leaders and change the cultural norms of overload that rob us of God’s best. Today, we are even more aware of the need, the joy of transformed lives, and the impact of God’s Word on winded and weary leaders, pastors, moms, dads, teachers and young adults. Here’s what people are saying….
About the 4-Hour Vantage Point Retreat
“There are no words to say thank you enough for this retreat. Keep running the race! The church is in desperate need for this message. Don’t ever give up. “
Asked for a one-word description, this is what people say: “Revolutionary. Amazing! Eye opening. A+. Essential. Outstanding. Strategic.”
About The Vantage Point Leadership Initiative
“I was leery of Vantage Point. It didn’t seem like the best use of time and money for our staff to participate in a retreat about rest. Because it was only 4 hours long, I agreed. Brenda, it was a transformational experience for our staff and, personally, for me. You changed my perception of rest. I will never be the same!”
“I was challenged once again by the crucial Biblical principles in the Vantage Point Retreat and the necessity of having those principles of Biblical Rest firmly integrated into the lives of healthy leaders . . . I encourage you to contact Brenda when you are home to arrange a time to discuss the possibilities for taking Vantage Point to West Africa.”
About the Run Hard. Rest Well. Study Guide
“. . . I am reading through the Bible study book. Lady, you are amazing! I just read “The Expedition” and your heart and passion shines through every section. Your genuine, honest and loving personality is so prevalent….I cried! I love how you target different people and stages and speak to them personally. . . “
About the Blog
“I just wanted to thank you for sharing your words of insight, encouragement and truth through your blog. Every time I read a post of yours, God speaks to my heart. Tears come and I know that His truth is piercing my heart. I lean in and listen. So thank you, again, for your obedience to the desire in your heart to seek truth and follow it.”
God’s reach into hearts and homes
Since our May 2015 launch, God has blessed us with the opportunity to minister to:
- Thousands of people watching you model a new and better way
- People from 74 countries reached through almost 1,000 blog followers and over 1,800 site visitors
- 367 individuals reached through 17 retreats, conferences and speaking events
- 10 speaking engagements lined up for Winter/Spring 2016, including chapel at Grace College and keynoting at a Student Leadership Conference at Taylor University.
Moving into 2016
Will you be a Champion of Rest?
- Participate in a Vantage Point Retreat. Or invite your small group (or a group of your friends) to enjoy a Vantage Point Retreat.
- Out of state? Brenda is beginning to travel and new presenters are being trained. Extend an invitation to come to your state. I’d love to see what God is up to in your neck of the woods.
- Do you lead a small group? Dig into the 6-week Run Hard. Rest Well. Study Guide. (learn more about this resource) It will be a blessing.
- Are you a part of a staff or team? Ask your boss, executive Director or pastor to consider The Vantage Point Leadership Initiative. Creating a biblical culture of work and rest changes lives and ministries. Learn more about dates, description, prices.
- Do you support an oversea missionary or encourage everyday missionaries here in the States? Invite them to check out the blog and free resources.
Will you be a Catalyst for Rest?
- We need to raise $8,000. The rapid growth of RHRW threatens our volunteer crew’s ability to attend to important things that really matter. $8,000, plus anticipated grant funds, will allow RHRW to hire a much-needed part-time employee. The need is urgent. The excitement is great.
- $10,000 will bring “The Book” to life. It’s been percolating in my heart for 15 years. Your gift will impact every reader and provide an avenue of on-going support for RHRW for years to come.
We need $18,000. We’d love to have $24,000. We’d soar into 2016 with $30,000
If our blog subscribers would each give $40, we would be prepared to meet our most pressing needs for 2016. Can you invest $50, $100 $150 to allow RHRW to move into the next 12 months full throttle?.
Each gift is tax deductible. Donation avenues are listed below.
Will you be a Conduit of Rest?
- RHRW needs to be covered by the prayers of countless prayer warriors. With every ounce of truth we share, we are encroaching on Satan’s territory. Will you lift up 5 exciting 2016 ministry endeavors? These endeavors will allow RHRW to expand our influence and impact: a pilot study with IU Health Goshen Hospital, national partnerships, printing “The Book,” website improvements, and training our first round of Vantage Point presenters. These presenters will multiply the impact of RHRW (across state lines) in ways we did not anticipate would happen for years.
RHRW is not a “ministry” or a brand. It is a movement. It is a movement that will grow by the power of God – one person, one family, one ministry at a time. It begins, as each of us comes to know the race we are to run and the rest that refuels.
Until next year, my friend – Run hard. Break a sweat. Every day. But, rest well. Rest as if your life depends on it. It probably does.
Visit our online donation site or send a check to:
Run Hard. Rest Well.
1596 S. 150 W.
Albion, IN 46701
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