Rest in the 21st Century

By Brenda Jank

My journey into rest began in 1991. It’s been a roller coaster. Acting out of sheer obedience to the Sabbath Commandment (once I swallowed hard and admitted I had been neglecting it my entire life) I moved into Sabbath Keeping kicking and screaming. No lie. It was, and continued to be for many years, the worst day of my week. Having derived my value as a human being from what I could efficiently accomplish in any given day, I had no idea how to let down and relax.

During this time, Marva Dawn’s Keeping the Sabbath Wholly beautifully prepared me to see rest as a gift to unwrap, not a fate to endure. She painted a picture that was riveting and grounded in God’s Word. She cast a vision for a day of restoration that far exceeded my “Sabbath” of Sunday worship, eating pot-roast with my family, and Saturday’s left-over to-do list.

Since that time, I have embarked on a journey into biblical rhythms of rest called Restorative Wellness. The Bible speaks about a number of rhythms: daily, weekly, yearly. Allowed free reign in my life, they have transformed me, revived me, and sculpted me inside and out. Driven and passionate, I would not be here today without them. Learning how to rest well has allowed me to continue to run hard. I break a sweat each day, but now I do it with a joy fueled and fashioned by rest.

Brenda Jank and the Run Hard. Rest Well team. are thought leaders in the arena of Restorative Wellness. Find additional resources at Contact us at:

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