My car, a little silver Vibe, has 6 gears, plus an overdrive button. I think the same goes for my life. Right now I am in overdrive. I bet you’ve been there.
Run Hard. Rest Well. is not about work avoidance, but work enhancement. We have a job to do. God has a call on our lives and we have a race to run for Him.
You’ve probably noticed that we’ve not been posting new material the last couple weeks. Priorities must change when overdrive comes into play. I have come to discover that when my “to do” list expands exponentially, the hours of my days do not follow suite. Ticks me off. Every time.
Choices must be made.
Pushing limits of endurance is a part of the race. Jesus missed meals (Mark 6:31) and sleep (Luke 6:12) while running His race. The Father provided for Him. Our Father provides for us in these overdrive times.
Overdrive is part of the race, but it cannot be the sum total of the race. Chronic overdrive creates an abundance of adrenaline and cortisol that quickly becomes destructive at every level: physically, emotionally, and cognitively. We must take this to heart. We must come clean. A season of overdrive is OK. A lifestyle of overdrive is not.
Two weeks ago I led a retreat. I was approached by a woman who has been blessed by the message of Run Hard. Rest Well. “After all I’ve read from you, I expected someone who was calm and quiet. You’ve got energy!”
I am a fairly calm and even-keel gal, but get me talking about rest and watch out! My passion runs deep and it shows.
What passion puts you in overdrive? Your job? Your family? Your calling? This particularly crazy season of life?
A season of overdrive is OK. A lifestyle is not.
Where do you find yourself today?
Do you need to trust that Jesus will provide?
Or do you need to evaluate for minor or major adjustments?
God is into course corrections and the NEW LIFE it brings His people.
Note: This post is part of our original series on rest. We are re-posting some of our favorite articles because we believe they’re just as important today as ever. We hope you’re challenged to think of rest in a fresh new way. Would you like to read the post that preceded this one? Click here.
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